Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring for Marine Science | SIMS

May 28, 2024 carousel
The Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS) is a collaborative research and training studio that hosts a range of different research projects. Key focuses include habitat restoration, conservation efforts, and mitigating the effects of climate change on oceans and marine species.

SIMS utilizes YSI EXO Sondes to monitor real-time water quality and gather continuous, reliable data they can trust.

"Having the [water quality data] that's coming into our systems gives us the confidence that the animals are kept in a comfortable environment, and we know that we're putting the welfare and the well-being of these animals first. But, also, it ensures that the research output is reliable and applicable eslewhere as well."

Learn more about EXO Sondes:

Learn more on the EXO Sondes page!