Xylem Analytics Roadshow Re-cap - Perth, Australia

Well done and a hearty congratulations is extended to our colleagues in the Southern Hemisphere, as they recently conducted a live customer demo and training event in Perth, Australia, showcasing a cross-section of both water quality and discharge data collection instrumentation.

Questions regarding featured instruments? Email: inquiry@sontek.com

Instrument Displays and Demos Featured:

Discharge Measurement: Water Level Monitoring (Amazon Bubbler), Discharge/Flow (SonTek FlowTracker2®, RS5 ADCP and M9 ADCP), Unattended real-time Discharge/Flow (SonTek IQ/SL acoustic flow meters).

Water Quality Monitoring: Handheld Water Quality Systems (WQS), Realtime WQ monitoring buoy (DB600), Surface WQ Mapping (rQPOD).

Surveying: Lidar (Hypack Lidar Payload), Bathymetry (SonTek HydroSurveyor), and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (rQPOD)

Mining and Municipal Water Management: Water quality sampling station (Automatic Sampler), Flow/discharge monitoring (SonTek IQ/SonTek SL acoustic flow meters), Level sensing (MJK), Solar Telemetry (Ai1 Pole).