YSI University | EXO

Welcome to our on-demand training program for EXO water quality sondes.

Learn all about EXO Sondes from our team of experts in this free series detailing how to setup, calibrate, maintain, store, and troubleshoot your EXO Sonde. These short, how-to videos are available on-demand so you can go at your own pace and only watch the videos you need. Check back for new videos covering even more aspects of monitoring with EXO!

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YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Conductivity

May 04, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO conductvitiy/temperature sensor for specific...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Turbidity

May 04, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO turbidity sensor using Kor Software

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Total Algae Chlorophyll

May 04, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Total Algae sensor for Chlorophyll in RFU using Kor...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Total Algae Phycoerythrin

May 01, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Total Algae sensor for Phycoerythrin in RFU using...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Total Algae Phycocyanin

May 01, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Total Algae sensor for Phycocyanin in RFU using Kor...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | NitraLED

May 02, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Optical Nitrate Sensor (NitraLED) in mg/L using Kor...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Ammonium ISE

May 02, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode in mg/L using Kor...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Nitrate ISE

May 15, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode in mg/L using Kor...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Chloride ISE

May 15, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Chloride Ion Selective Electrode in mg/L using Kor...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | fDOM

May 15, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter sensor in RFU...

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Rhodamine

May 05, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Rhodamine sensor in µg/L using Kor Software.

YSI University | EXO

EXO Calibration | Depth

May 02, 2023

This video covers the calibration of the EXO Depth sensor using Kor Software.