OI Analytical's Eclipse 4760 Purge and Trap Sample Concentrator

July 20, 2020
The Eclipse 4760 Purge and Trap Sample Concentrator

Suitable for VOC analysis and a variety of matrices, the Eclipse 4760 offers faster cycle time, high sample throughput and exceptional reliability, supporting the lab's productivity and profitability goals. The Eclipse 4760 is easy-to-use with an icon-driven interface, an open-architecture design that saves bench space while offering quick access to components. The color-changing LED indicator shows the status of the instrument at a glance from anywhere in the lab.

Fully compatible with all of the methods, protocols, and auto-requirements, the Eclipse 4760 Purge and Trap provides fast, accurate results with industry-leading performance.

If you're interested in learning more, visit oico.com.